Main International Projects:
  • EU Fifth Frame R&D Programme project DAONEM (2000-2002) "Data Assimilation for Off-site Nuclear Emergency Management" , Coordinator - Dr. Carlos Rojas-Palmos, Belgian Nuclear Center.
  • EU INCO-COPERNICUS Programme project RADARC (2000-2002). " Simulation Scenarios for Potential Radioactive Spreading in the 21st Century from Rivers and External Sources in the Russian Arctic Coastal Zone" Coordinator - NIERC, Bergen, Norway
    Swedish Agency of International Development (SIDA) - Ukrainian State Committee of Water Mangement Project (1999-2001)" Water Resources Management in the Lower Dnieper River and Kakhovka Reservoir"
  • EU INCO-COPERNICUS Programme 1999-2001 Project COMETES "Implementing computerized methodologies to evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasures for restoring radionuclide contaminated fresh water ecosystem, -EU Coordinator -Dr. Luigi Monte, ENEA, Italy
  • EU INCO-COPERNICUS Programme 1998-2000. Project " POSEIDON : Improvement of a model for forecasting marine radioactivity caused by accidental releases from coastal areas and its implementation into the EU decision support system RODOS", -- EU Coordinator - Rudie Heling, NRG-KEMA, the Netherlands
  • EU INCO-COPERNICUS Programme 1999-2000 Project SPARTACUS "Spatial redistribution of radionuclides within catchments: Development of GIS-based models for decision support systems"- Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  • Assosiated contract to the EU (European Union) Contract No. FI4P - CT95-0007 "RODOS: a real time on-line decision support system for off-site emergency in Europe" (1996-1999). Principal contractors - FZK, Germany
  • EU INCO-COPERNICUS Programme 1997-1999. Project "Enhancement of the EU Decision Support System RODOS and its Customisation for Use in Eastern Europe", EU Coordinator - Dr. Joachim Ehrhardt, FZK, Germany
  • INTAS Program. Project INTAS-UKRAINE 95-0124 "Water quality assessment and modelling to support environmental management of river systems: studies of the Dnieper River and the lower part of the Danube River", 1997-1999. - INTAS coordinator - Dr. L.Iritz, Department of Water Resources, Lund Institute of Technologies, Lund University, Sweden
  • INTAS Program. Project INTAS-96-2077 "Study of sediment and pollution dynamics in the coastal zone under combined action of surface waves and currents" , 1997-1999, INTAS coordinator, Prof.E.Kit, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
  • INTAS Program, Project INTAS-93-1918 "Ecological analysis of Point and Non-Point Pollution in Watersheds", (1994 -to present). European coordinator - Prof.Bruno Pavoni, University of Venice, Italy
  • US AID/ US EPA - Ukrainian Ministry of Environmental Protection Project "Modelling Study of Water Quality at Dnieper- Bug Estuary" (1997-1998), EPA Coordinator - Jim Greenfield, EPA, Atlanta
  • CEC Study Contract B7-6340/95/000879/MAR/C3;`Evolution of the radiological situation around nuclear reactors with spent fuel enclosed dumped in the Kara Sea'" Subcontract on Hydrography and Ecological Modelling with NNC Ltd, UK, 1996-1997.
  • Subcontract to the FZK contract St.Sch,4089 with the German Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety (BMU) " Investigation of radioecological models with respect to their applicability for reliable assessments of the radiation exposure of the population resulting from contamination of stagnant and running waters following a large scale deposition of accidentally released radionuclides" (1996-1997)
  • US AID/ US EPA - Ukrainian Ministry of Environmental Protection Project "Modelling Study of Water Quality at Kanev Reservoir, Dnieper River" (1994 - 1997)
  • International Science Foundation (G.Soros Foundation) Research Grant K3V100 "Pollutants Transport in Rivers and Coastal Waters -- Modelling Study Based on the post - Chernobyl Data", (1995 -1996 ).
  • Commission European Communities (CEC) - Belarus, Russian Federation, Ukraine Agreement for the International Collaboration on the Consequences of Chernobyl Accident, Joint Study Project -1 (JSP-1) Development of Computerized Systems RODOS for Predicting the Radiological Impact of Accidents to aid Off-Site Emergency Management, (1992- 1995)
  • INTAS Program, Project INTAS-93-1877, " Estimation of the Technological Civilization Impact to the Environment on Examples of Ecological Problems of Former USSR", (1994-1996). European coordinator - Dr. E.Gabowitsch, FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Co-ordinated Research Program "The Application of Tracer Techniques in the Study of Processes and Pollution in the Black Sea", Research Contract N 7334 RB "Modelling of Chernobyl Radionuclides Migration in the Coastal Areas of the Black Sea", (1993-1996)
  • BIOMOVS-II International Programme (1993-1996) - Validation of radionuclides runoff models
  • IAEA Co-ordinated Research Program VAMP, Research agreement "Modelling of radionuclide transport in Rivers and Reservoirs", (1990-1994).
  • Subcontracts to the contracts of "Hartman Inc..", Seattle, WA. USA on simulation of the consequences of the technological impacts in coastal areas (construction of navigation channels, jetties, waste storages etc.) on the coastal erosion processes; case studies for the US Pacific coast. (1995-1999).
  • Contract with the Institute on Nuclear Power Plants (VUJE), Trnava, Slovakia "Development of decision support system for the environmental management of Vakh River- Kralova Reservoir after the accidental releases from the Nuclear Power Plant Bohuhice. 1995-1996.
  • Joint Coordinating Committee on Civilian Nuclear Reactor Safety, Task 7.1F, Transfer of Radionuclides in Water-Soil Systems, (1990-1994). , Task Group Chairmen from USA- Dr.Yasuo Onishi, PNL, Richland, WA .
Main National Projects:
  • Forecasting of the Dnieper River radioactive contamination after the Chernobyl accident under the influence of the spring floods and rainstorm floods (1986 -1999)
  • Assessment of the efficiency of hydraulics countermeasures designed to diminish the radioactive influx from the Pripyat River to the Dnieper River (1989- 1999)
  • Development of the software systems for modelling radionuclide transport in Pripyat River and water bodies of the Chernobyl zone on the contracts with Ministry of Chernobyl Problem (1994-2000).
  • Development of the decision support system and monitoring data base to support the mangament of the Dniper reservoir cascade
  • Simulation of the radionuclide transport in the cooling pond of the Chernobyl NPP (1999-now)
  • Development of the decision support systems for off-site nuclear emergency for Zaporozhe NPP on the basis of adaptation of European system RODOS(1999-now)
  • Development of the water quality modelling software systems Ingulets River on the contract with the State Committee on Water Management (1995-1997)
  • Prediction of the water quality in Seversky Donets River after the accidental long-term release from the Kharkov sewage water station (1995).
  • Development of the software system WATOX-DNEKS to support Dnieper resrvoir management on the base of water quality criteria on the contract with the Ukrainian Committee on Water Management (1992-1994).
  • Prediction of the environmental contamination as result of the possible accident on "Shelter", Unit 4, Chernobyl Plant (1992).
  • Modelling of the possible consequences of the Dubossary HPP destruction for the Dniester River as the result of the Moldavian Civil War.(1992).
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